Red5 Pro: Point Release 5.7.11


Here in Boston, MA the weather is turning cold as we prepare for yet another New England Winter. Time to pull out all our blankets and sweaters out of the attic. At the same time, insects and other pests are trying to get into our warm houses to settle down for the winter too. Those… Continue reading Red5 Pro: Point Release 5.7.11

Here in Boston, MA the weather is turning cold as we prepare for yet another New England Winter. Time to pull out all our blankets and sweaters out of the attic. At the same time, insects and other pests are trying to get into our warm houses to settle down for the winter too.

Those pesky little bugs managed to sneak into our code as well: an exception with the Stream Manger, and the HTML5 testbed not sending a specified bitrate. We also addressed a change with AWS that caused a memory leak. Accordingly, our latest point release exterminates those bugs. Please see the details below for more information:

Release 5.7.11 – October 22nd, 2019

Updated Stream Manager and AWS Autoscaling Controller

  • Fixed – Memory leak with AWS Cloud Controller (this bug did not affect any other cloud controller)
  • Fixed – Stream Manager throws RTCProxyClientException: Connectivity error when attempting to subscribe to a non-existent stream
  • Fixed – HTML5 Testbed: Publish - Stream Manager Proxy Settings (RTC) not sending specified Bitrate

To get the latest release, please login to your account and download the new build.

To upgrade your server, follow this link.

To upgrade your stream manager, follow this link.