Server Release 9.0.0


What time is it? It’s time for the Red5 Pro Server Release 9.0.0! It’s a focused, concentrated release, so we’re throwing a mini party, not quite a rager, but we’re excited! Our newest server release introduces support for running Red5 Pro with JDK 11 on the most current iterations of Ubuntu (20.04 LTS), and Windows… Continue reading Server Release 9.0.0

What time is it? It’s time for the Red5 Pro Server Release 9.0.0! It’s a focused, concentrated release, so we’re throwing a mini party, not quite a rager, but we’re excited!

Our newest server release introduces support for running Red5 Pro with JDK 11 on the most current iterations of Ubuntu (20.04 LTS), and Windows (2019 Server.

Server Release 9.0.0 includes all previous Red5 Pro Server releases, and now autoscale-runs with the latest MySQL 8.0. Please note that with this server release, we have stopped supporting PostGreSQL.

If you’re working off of a previous version of Red5 Pro, we recommend that you create new instances in lieu of upgrading your OS and Java. Check out this document for instructions on upgrading an autoscale environment inclusive of a database server.

  • Known issue: Release 9.0.0 does not run on CentOS7. Please continue to use version 8.x if you are using CentOS to get the latest release, please login to your account and download the new build.
    To upgrade your server, follow this link.
    To upgrade your stream manager, follow this link.
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