Debunking the Myth: 8 Reasons Why WebRTC is Capable of High Quality Audio and Video Today

For anyone pursuing new opportunities in the real-time interactive video arena, there’s a lot riding on understanding that there doesn’t need to be any constraint on audio or video quality when WebRTC serves as the underlying streaming protocol. When talking with developers evaluating the Red5 Pro platform, we hear over and over again that WebRTC… Continue reading Debunking the Myth: 8 Reasons Why WebRTC is Capable of High Quality Audio and Video Today

What you Need to Develop Fast Live Streaming Applications

Often we get the question, “What skills do you need to use Red5 Pro?” Which leads to the circular, and not terribly useful answer, “That depends on what you want to do.” The reason for this is simple: we designed Red5 Pro for developers. As such, it can support a diverse range of custom features… Continue reading What you Need to Develop Fast Live Streaming Applications

Ultra-Low Latency Wowza vs. Real-Time Red5 Pro vs. Open Source Red5

Low-latency? – Check. Autoscaling? – Yup. RTMP support? – Of course. WebRTC? – You betcha. Mobile SDK? –  Heck yes. Those are just a sampling of the many requested features supported by Red5 Pro. Due to Wowza’s name brand recognition, we are occasionally asked how we compare to them. With that in mind, we compiled… Continue reading Ultra-Low Latency Wowza vs. Real-Time Red5 Pro vs. Open Source Red5

New Red5 Pro Documentation

Always striving to improve documentation, Red5 Pro has added a new Developer Guides category to their docs section. For the first installment, we have detailed our server-side APIs. Specifically, they cover scopes, streams, state management and plugin development. By following these manuals, you can leverage the powerful API tools of Red5 Pro to build your… Continue reading New Red5 Pro Documentation