
Response Data Objects


red5_pro_versionStringRed5 Pro version
fms_versionStringFMS version string (passed in rtmp handshakes)
capabilitiesNumberRTMP server capabilities identifier
uptimeNumberServer uptime


red5_pro_versionStringRed5 Pro version
fms_versionStringFMS version string (passed in rtmp handshakes)
capabilitiesNumberRTMP server capabilities identifier
uptimeNumberServer uptime
os_nameStringServer operating system name
os_versionStringServer operating system version identifier
processorsNumberTotal processor cores
architectureStringCPU architecture
total_memoryNumberTotal memory (in bytes) on server as reported by JVM
max_memoryNumberMaximum memory (in bytes) on server as reported by JVM
free_memoryNumberFree memory (in bytes) on server as reported by JVM
num_appsNumberNumber of applications on this instance
active_sub_scopesNumberTotal active sub scopes on this instance
total_sub_scopesNumberTotal sub scopes on this instance
max_sub_scopesNumberMaximum sub scopes on this instance
total_connectionsNumberTotal Connections count on this instance
active_connectionsNumberActive connection count on this instance
max_connectionsNumberMaximum connection count on this instance
bytes_inNumberBytes received by server instance
bytes_outNumberBytes sent by server instance
messages_inNumberMessages received by server instance
messages_outNumberMessages sent by server instance
data_unitStringData unit used to evaluate and present data transfer information


id | StringServer assigned ID of the client
creation_timeNumberClient connection creation time
last_pingNumberRound-trip time of last ping command for this connection
remote_addressStringRemote IP address the client is connected from


idStringServer assigned ID of the client
creation_timeNumberClient connection creation time
last_pingNumberRound-trip time of last ping command for this connection
remote_addressStringRemote IP address the client is connected from
pathStringConnection path
bytes_outNumberTotal number of bytes read from the client
bytes_inNumberTotal number of bytes written to the client
messages_writtenNumberTotal number of messages written to the client.
messages_readNumberTotal number of messages read from the client
messages_droppedNumberTotal number of messages that have been dropped
messages_pendingNumberTotal number of messages that are pending to be sent to the client
remote_portNumberRemote port the client is connected from
connection_protocolStringThe protocol type for this connection. eg. rtmp, rtmpt, http
hostStringHost name / ip that the client used to connect to the application


idStringServer generated stream id
nameStringServer assigned stream name
publish_nameStringThe actual published name for this stream
creation_timeStringStream creation time
scope_pathStringThe scope path for this stream
is_recordingBooleanWhether this stream is currently recording or not
stateStringServer assigned state of the stream


idStringServer generated stream id
nameStringServer assigned stream name
publish_nameStringThe actual published name for this stream
creation_timeStringStream creation time
scope_pathStringThe scope path for this stream
is_recordingBooleanWhether this stream is currently recording or not
stateStringServer assigned state of the stream
bytes_receivedNumberBytes received for the stream by server
active_subscribersNumberCurrent active number of subscribers for the stream
total_subscribersNumberTotal number of subscribers for the stream since creation
max_subscribersNumberMaximum number of subscribers for the stream


idStringServer generated stream id
nameStringServer assigned stream name
publish_nameStringThe actual published name for this stream
creation_timeStringStream creation time
scope_pathStringThe scope path for this stream
is_recordingBooleanWhether this stream is currently recording or not
stateStringServer assigned state of the stream
record_nameStringFile name by which the stream is recording
appendBooleanIdentifies whether recording is in append mode or overwrite mode


nameStringMedia file name
last_modifiedNumberLast modified date (timestamp) of the media file
file_sizeNumberMedia file size in bytes


nameStringShared object name
persistentBooleanShared object persistency
versionNumberShared object version
active_listenersNumberActive listeners subscribed to this shared object
total_listenersNumberTotal listeners subscribed to this shared object
max_listenersNumberMaximum listeners subscribed to this shared object
total_changesNumberTotal number of attribute changes
total_deletesNumberTotal number of attribute deletes
total_sendsNumberTotal number of times a message was sent over this shared object


nameStringScope name
pathStringScope path
creation_timeStringScope creation time
depthNumberScope depth (for further explanation see scope paths here)
active_connectionsNumberActive connections on this scope
total_connectionsNumberTotal connections on this scope
max_connectionsNumberMaximum connections on this scope
active_subscopesNumberActive sub scopes count for this scope
total_subscopesNumberTotal sub scopes for this scope
max_subscopesNumberMaximum sub scopes for this scope
bytes_inNumberTotal bytes received by this scope
bytes_outNumberTotal bytes sent by this scope
messages_inNumberTotal messages sent by this scope
messages_outNumberTotal messages received by this scope
typeStringScope type
data_unitStringData unit used to evaluate and present data transfer information


nameStringFile name
last_modifiedNumberLast modified time of the file as per operating system
sizeNumberSize of the file in bytes


nameStringFile name
last_modifiedNumberLast modified time of the file as per operating system
sizeNumberSize of the file in bytes
pathStringAccessible system path of the file relative to the root
commentStringAn optional comment about the downloadable file