
Parameters Index

ParameterDescriptionValue Type
streamNameThe name of the stream for which the data is being provisionedAlphabetic string
scopeNameThe scopename of the stream for which the data is being provisionedAlphabetic string
metaTop level object for provisioning dataNA
authenticationGlobal object containing publisher credentials information for the streamNA
usernameUsername for publisherAlphanumeric string
passwordPassword for publisherAlphanumeric string
streamMaster object array with description of stream variantsNA
stream=> nameStream variant nameAlphabetic string
stream=> bandwidthStream variant bitrateNumeric value representing bitrate in bytes per second. This property is optional but can be useful if we need to provide bitrate information to a client, that is unable to guess the stream ‘level’. (Optional)
stream=> levelSpecifies the level for this variant. Higherbitrate streams must havelowerlevel number. Numbering starts from 1 onwards. This is used for abr switching. For a single stream the level should be 0.Numeric positive integer
stream=> propertiesAdditional stream properties holder object for a variant stream. You can override the Global‘authentication’,‘georule’and‘qos’settings by providing an alternate copy of the appropriate object that you need to override inside the‘properties’object.NA
georulesMaster object containing geo restrictions informationNA
georules => regionsAn array of region / location identifiersAlphanumeric String (supports hyphens)
georules => restrictedIndicates whether the location identifiers are inclusive or exclusiveBoolean true/false
qosNetwork QOS value for the StreamQos value should represent the index of the QOS content intended. (See below)

QOS Constants Index:

QOS ContentIndexJava Value

Additional Notes

  • meta is the top level object for a stream provision. Stream properties such as authentication, georules or qos which exist at this level are treated as global. Ie, they are automatically copied over to each stream variant unless an override exists.
  • Individual stream objects can include additional custom properties. The json is not validated for custom property names, thus making it flexible for new properties to be added.
  • bandwidth property is optional. Streams are validated by the value of their level attribute. Higher quality stream variant should specify a lower value for the level attribute. Level values start from 1.
  • Stream properties is an optional placeholder to help the provisioner to specify any optional data for a variant. It may also contain its own authentication, georules or qos object. This can be used to override the master authentication, georules and qos object definitions specified at top level directly under the meta object.

Overriding Properties

Global properties can be overridden for a stream variant by specifying the same property in the ‘stream’ variant’s properties container.

EXAMPLE: The following example demonstrates how to specify a different ‘qos’ value for a particular stream variant by name ‘stream_3’.

  • URI:

  • Method: POST
  • Data: JSON
    "meta": {
       "authentication": {
          "username": "acme",
          "password": "acme!newpass"
       "stream": [{
                 "name": "stream_1",
                 "bandwidth": 25000,
                 "level": 3,
                 "properties": {
                 "name": "stream_2",
                 "bandwidth": 37500,
                 "level": 2,
                 "properties": {
                 "name": "stream_3",
                 "bandwidth": 62500,
                 "level": 1,
                 "properties": {
                    "qos": 1
       "georules": {
         "regions": [
          "restricted": "false"
       "qos": 3