
Social Media Rest API

The Social Pusher plugin uses the Cluster Plugin's authentication framework. Therefore the cluster plugin must be enabled (even for a standalone instance).

Stream Manager

The Stream Manager URI consists of the access token and the action to perform. The action is always either provision.create when starting a new forward, or provision.delete when ending one that is currently streaming. Note that ending the forward with provision.delete does not end the original stream, which continues uninterrupted.

Example URI https://example.com/streammanager/api/4.0/socialpusher?accessToken=xyz123&action=provision.create

Standalone Server

In a standalone environment, forwarding requests are POSTed directly to the SocialPusher plugin. The standalone URI consists of a signature, timestamp, and the action to perform.

  • timestamp - The timestamp is always the client timestamp, in milliseconds since the epoch. It must match the timestamp used on the client to calculate the signature. Here is a date to millisecond calculator you can use to get the current timestamp (or, in javascript new Date().getTime()).
  • action - The action is always either provision.create when starting a new forward, or provision.delete when ending one that is currently streaming. Note that ending the forward with provision.delete does not end the original stream published by the Origin, which continues uninterrupted.
  • signature - The signature is the SHA-256 hash of the concatenation of action, timestamp, and the cluster password. The cluster password is configured in red5pro/conf/cluster.xml (property name="password"). Concatenate the three fields, and calculate the SHA-256 hash of the resulting UTF-8 string. Then, concatenate the bytes of the hash into a string of hexadecimal digits, with leading zeros (each byte is always two digits). You can use this SHA256 Hash Generator to create the signature.

Signature Example: The SHA256 hash of the string provision.create1627312266556changeme (action+Timestamp+Clusterpassword) is fb5d99b58cf7b8dca4d5c381338e57352ed10204a1b16e3cb663036abcae5df7

Example URI, using the signature above, would be http://localhost:5080/socialpusher/api?signature=fb5d99b58cf7b8dca4d5c381338e57352ed10204a1b16e3cb663036abcae5df7&timestamp=1627312266556&action=provision.create

Request Body: Provision

In both the Stream Manager and Standalone cases, the body of the request is the same. It contains JSON data describing one or more Provisions, each of which specifies a published stream and a forwarding destination.

{ "provisions":[ 

The above example defines an array with a single Provision. These are its fields:

  • guid This string is required but unused by the Social Pusher plugin. Recommended, use the name of the live stream for easier tracking.
  • level This int is required but unused by the Social Pusher plugin.
  • context This string is the context of the published stream to forward.
  • name This string is the name of the published stream to forward.
  • parameters This is a collection that must always contain a destURI entry.
  • destURI This is the destination URI. It is a concatenation of the social media URI, plus “/”, plus the “stream key” which is the stream name. In this example, the base URI is rtmp://localhost/live plus the stream key which is stream2.

A more realistic example is rtmps://live-api-s.facebook.com:443/rtmp/1234exampleStreamKey, where the Facebook URI is rtmps://live-api-s.facebook.com:443/rtmp and the stream key is 1234exampleStreamKey.

Example 1

Forward a live stream POST with action provision.create.


The context and name parameters identify the local stream to forward, while destURI specifies the forwarding destination. Here, the destination stream name is stream2 while the URI is rtmp://localhost/live.

Example 2

Create multiple forwards POST with action provision.create.


Each Provision in the array will be processed in turn. Here both target streams are the same, but each Provision is independent and could identify a different target stream.

Example 3

Stop forwarding POST with action provision.delete.


A forwarded stream stops automatically when the target stream ends, but it is also possible to use a REST request to stop forwarding without stopping the target stream.

The context and name parameters identify the local stream being forwarded, while the destURI parameter is used to identify and remove the StreamForwarder listening to the target stream, which ends fowarding to that destination.