

As you may have noticed form the previous section, the source configuration for each player has differing property requirements. This is due simply to the technologies and playback strategies that each use:

As such, the init configuration provided to the library to allow for auto-failover player selection should be provided with attributes defining the target source(s) - i.e., rtc and/or hls:

As a Module

import { Red5ProSubscriber} from 'red5pro-webrtc-sdk'

const start = async () => {

  try {

    const subscriber = 
      await new Red5ProSubscriber()
                .setPlaybackOrder(['rtc', 'hls'])
                  "rtc": {
                    // See above documentation for WebRTC source option requirements.
                  "hls": {
                    // See above documentation for HLS source option requirements
    await subscriber.subscribe()

  } catch (e) {



In a Browser


<!doctype html>
    <!-- WebRTC Shim -->
    <script src="https://webrtchacks.github.io/adapter/adapter-latest.js"></script>
    <!-- Default Red5 Pro Playback Control styles. -->
    <link href="lib/red5pro/red5pro-media.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <!-- Fullscreen shim. -->
    <script src="lib/screenfull/screenfull.min.js"></script>
    <video id="red5pro-subscriber"
           class="red5pro-media red5pro-media-background"
           autoplay controls>
    <!-- Exposes `red5prosdk` on the window global. -->
    <script src="lib/red5pro/red5pro-sdk.min.js"></script>
    <!-- Example script below. -->
    <script src="main.js"></script>


(function (red5prosdk) {

  // Create a new instance of the Red5 Pro failover subcriber.
  var subscriber = new red5prosdk.Red5ProSubscriber();

    .setPlaybackOrder(['rtc', 'hls'])
        "rtc": {
          // See above documentation for WebRTC source option requirements.
        "hls": {
          // See above documentation for HLS source option requirements
    .then(function(subscriber) {
      return subscriber.subscribe();
    .then(function(subscriber) {
      // `subscriber` is the WebRTC Subscriber instance.
      // playback should begin immediately due to
      //   declaration of `autoplay` on the `video` element.
    .catch(function(error) {
      // A fault occurred in finding failover subscriber and playing stream.


Important things to note:

  • Only rtc and hls are supported values for order and are also accessible as enums on Red5ProVidepPlayer.playbackTypes