
WebRTC Subscriber Events

The following events are specific to the RTCSubscriber implementation and accessible on the global red5prosdk object from the RTCSubscriberEventTypes attribute. These events are dispatched during the lifecycle of thre trickle ICE functionality required to start subscribing to a stream:

PEER_CONNECTION_AVAILABLE'WebRTC.PeerConnection.Available'When the negotation process has produced a valid PeerConnection.
OFFER_START'WebRTC.Offer.Start'When the subscriber requests to start an offer on the PeerConnection.
OFFER_END'WebRTC.Offer.End'When the subscriber has received a SessionDescription from a requested offer over the PeerConnection.
ANSWER_START'WebRTC.Answer.Start'When the subscriber requests to send an answer on the PeerConnection.
ANSWER_END'WebRTC.Answer.End'When the subscriber has received an answer (in form of a MediaStream) over the PeerConnection.
CANDIDATE_START'WebRTC.Candidate.Start'When the subscriber requests to send a candidate on the PeerConnection.
CANDIDATE_END'WebRTC.Candidate.End'When the subscriber has received a candidate over the PeerConnection.
ICE_TRICKLE_COMPLETE'WebRTC.IceTrickle.Complete'When the negotaiton process (a.k.a. trickle) has completed and the subscriber will attempt at consuming a stream.
DATA_CHANNEL_AVAILABLE'WebRTC.DataChannel.Available'the underlying RTCDataChannel is available when signalingSocketOnly configuration is used.
DATA_CHANNEL_OPEN'WebRTC.DataChannel.Open'When the underlying RTCDataChannel is opened when signalingSocketOnly configuration is used.
DATA_CHANNEL_CLOSE'WebRTC.DataChannel.Close'When the underlying RTCDataChannel is closed when signalingSocketOnly configuration is used.
DATA_CHANNEL_ERROR'WebRTC.DataChannel.Error'When an error has occurred within the underlying RTCDataChannel when signalingSocketOnly configuration is used.
DATA_CHANNEL_MESSAGE'WebRTC.DataChannel.Message'When a message has been delivered over the underlying RTCDataChannel when signalingSocketOnly configuration is used.
LIVE_SEEK_UNSUPPORTED'WebRTC.LiveSeek.Unsupported'When liveSeek is specified but the browser does not support th integration of HLS.JS for Live VOD playback. See Live Seek
LIVE_SEEK_ENABLED'WebRTC.LiveSeek.Enabled'When liveSeek is used to playback Live VOD and the HLS video has been loaded and available to seek. See Live Seek
LIVE_SEEK_DISABLED'WebRTC.LiveSeek.Disabled'When liveSeek is used to playback Live VOD and HLS video has not been loaded nor available to seek. See Live Seek
LIVE_SEEK_ERROR'WebRTC.LiveSeek.Error'When liveSeek is used to playback Live VOD and HLS video and an error in playback has occurred. Inspect the error attribute on the event for more details. See Live Seek
LIVE_SEEK_LOADING'WebRTC.LiveSeek.FragmentLoading'When liveSeek is used to playback Live VOD and HLS video in currently loading a fragment during seeking. See Live Seek
LIVE_SEEK_LOADED'WebRTC.LiveSeek.FragmentLoaded'When liveSeek is used to playback Live VOD and HLS video has completed loading a fragment during seeking. See Live Seek
LIVE_SEEK_CHANGE'WebRTC.LiveSeek.ChangeWhen liveSeek is used, this event notifies on a change of state going from "live" to "vod" and vice versa. See Live Seek
ON_ADD_STREAM'WebRTC.Add.Stream'When a MediaStream object has become available for playback.
TRACK_ADDED'WebRTC.PeerConnection.OnTrack'When a MediaTrack has become available on the underlying RTCPeerConnection.
UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE'WebRTC.Unsupported.Feature'Notification that a feature attempting to use in WebRTC is not supported or available in the current browser that the SDK is being employed. e.g., Insertable Streams.
TRANSFORM_ERROR'WebRTC.Transform.Error'An error has occurred while trying to apply transform to a media track. See Insertable Streams