
Consuming Services As a Broadcaster

Once you have an active cluster for streaming the next step is for a publisher client to start broadcasting to it.

The problem here is that the broadcaster may not know the address of the origin server that they need to broadcast the stream to. This is where Stream Manager comes into play again.

Broadcaster Stream Request

Stream Manager provides a public REST endpoint for providing stream information to broadcasters and subscribers based on the requester's role in the system. The broadcaster client will need to make a REST call to Stream Manager using a scope name, stream name, and the action parameter (broadcast).

  • Scope name is the Red5 application/context name that a client connects to. The default scope name to be used is live
  • Stream name is the name of the publishing stream
  • Action is a query string parameter that defines the client's request type: broadcast or subscribe

Requesting Stream Broadcast Information

Use stream manager’s READ STREAM REST API to request an origin server

The combination of scope name and stream name should be unique for each streaming event.

Request Format


Response Format

  "name": "<stream-name>",
  "scope": "<stream-scope>",
  "serverAddress": "<origin-host-address>",
  "region": "<region-code>"

Connecting To Server To Broadcast

Having received a successful response from the stream manager with stream broadcast information we can now publish the stream using a subscriber client.

The stream publish information received from the REST response can be used by different types of publisher client(s) as shown below.

Android Client

Property NameValue

iOS Client

Property NameValue

RTMP Client

Property NameValue
Connection URLrtmp://:1935/

WebRTC Stream Manager Proxy Publishing

WebRTC requires using the Stream Manager proxy feature to bypass the secure origin requirement, to be able to publish/subscribe.

To know more about proxy and configuring WebRTC clients to work with proxy please see the Stream Manager Proxy Guide.

Example references for publishers