
Security Recommendations

It is recommended that separate firewalls or security groups be created as follows for inbound connections:

Stream Manager Security

22SSHTCPIP addresses of server admins
5080default web access of Red5 Pro/Websockets for WebRTCTCPfor node communication
443modified https access of Red5 Pro; secure websockets for WebRTCTCPall external API calls

Database Security

3306default MySQLTCPstream manager IPs and dbadmin IP
  • note: if you are using a hosted MySQL database on Digital Ocean, the port is 25060

Nodes Security

22SSHTCPIP addresses of server admins
5080default web access of Red5 Pro/Websockets for WebRTCTCPall incoming
1935default Red5 Pro RTMP portTCPall incoming
8554default RTSP portTCPall incoming
40000-65535TURN/STUN/ICE port range for WebRTCUDPall incoming

For more details on Autoscale communication and security, see this doc