WHIPClient(url, element, trickleIce)

new WHIPClient(url, element, trickleIce)

Constructor. Providing arguments will automatically kick of connection sequence. Leaving arguments unset allows for more control and follows same pattern of init -> publish as RTCPublisher.

Name Type Default Description
url string

Optional endpoint for WHIP. Example: https://your-red5pro.com/live/whip/endpoint/stream1

element HTMLMediaElement

Optional media element to play media in.

trickleIce boolean false

Optional request to trickle candidates. Preferred: false, send with SDP offer.


async init(options) → {Promise}

Request to initialize the WebRTC-based Publisher based on configuration. The returned Promise will either resolve with a reference to this instance or reject with an error String in failure.

Name Type Description
options Object

The initialization configuration map.


async initWithStream(options, mediaStream) → {Promise}

Request to initialize the WebRTC-based Publisher based on configuration and previously established MediaStream. USE WITH CAUTION. It is assumed you know what you are doing in accessing a MediaStream outside of the API available from the SDK. The returned Promise will either resolve with a reference to this instance or reject with an error String in failure.

Name Type Description
options Object

The initialization configuration map.

mediaStream MediaStream

A previously established MediaStream, most likely receieved through getUserMedia() outside of SDK use.


async publish(streamName, promise) → {Promise}

Request to begin a broadcast session after initialization has occured.

Name Type Default Description
streamName String null

Optional stream name to broadcast on, otherwise defaulting to the streamName provided in init() configuration.

promise Promise null

Optional Promise object to resolve/reject on based on sequence of events in establishing a broadcast, otherwise defaulting to Promise created internally and returned.

Promise -

The returned Promise will resolve or reject on successful start of a broadcast.
There are several processes that occur in order to establish a WebRTC broadcast that involve - but are not limited to - ICE communication and assigning of local and remote SDPs on peer connections.

async unpublish(andRemove) → {Promise}

Request to stop a broadcast. The returned Promise will either resolve or reject on successful stop of broadcast.

Name Type Default Description
andRemove Boolean false

Flag to additionally remove the preview.
