
GeoZones And Regions

For better geographical management of streaming service, Stream Manager Allows you to categorize node availability in three layers of location tiers - geozone, region and availabilityZone. While the concept of regions and availability zones is common to popular cloud platforms, Stream Manager, additionally also allows you to group regions into geozones.

  • geozone : Geozone is a macro location concept. Geozones are used to group one or more regions together. For example if you have two regions in asia called east-asia-1 and west-asia-a, they can be grouped into a geozone called asia.
  • region : A region would be the second layer of geographical location abstraction which provides services, nodes etc. Example: us-east-1 or us-west-2 etc:
  • availabilityZone : An availability zone in terms of a cloud environment is exactly as it is defined in the context (isolated locations / Data centers). For simulated cloud environments, availability zones are virtual / made-up values which are not actual locations.

Once Stream Manager has the knowledge of your geozones and regions, you can then specify a geozone code instead of a region code in the Read Stream api as a request parameter. Stream Manager will automatically know which regions you are targeting via the geozone code. For more information take a look at the Read Stream api. In other words, you can use geozones to request origins/edges from multiple regions at once.

Geozones and Regions are applicable for both cloud based environments and simulated cloud environments. Simulated cloud environments can define their own regions and group them into custom geozones.