
Configure Terraform Server

Install Red5 Pro Terraform Software on the Instance:

  1. Copy the terraform-service.zip file up to the /usr/local directory on your server.
  2. SSH into the server, then run apt-get update.
  3. Install Java 11 and NTP (to ensure that the terraform server is in sync with your stream manager(s). Run: apt-get install -y openjdk-11-jdk unzip ntp *
  4. Unzip terraform-service.zip in the /usr/local/ directory (new directory added will be called red5service)
  5. Delete any tf files associated with other platforms (for example cloud_controller_azure.tf) file from the red5service directory
  6. Make red5terra.sh and terraform executable (chmod +x red5terra.sh terraform)
  7. Copy red5proterraform.service to /lib/systemd/system/
  8. Modify service properties, chmod 644 /lib/systemd/system/red5proterraform.service, then reload the daemon: systemctl daemon-reload, and enable the service systemctl enable red5proterraform.service

* (note: for Red5 Pro Server versions earlier than 9.0.0, run apt-get install -y default-jre unzip ntp)

Upgrade Terraform CLI

apt install wget unzip
cd /usr/local/red5service
mv terraform terraform_old_backup
wget https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/0.13.7/terraform_0.13.7_linux_amd64.zip
unzip terraform_0.13.7_linux_amd64.zip
chmod +x terraform

Check Terraform Version ./terraform -v

Add Linode Terraform Configuration File

First, remove the cloud_controller_azure.tf and cloud_controller_do.tf files from /usr/local/red5service. You will then need to create a new cloud_controller_linode.tf terraform script file with the following:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    linode = {
      source  = "linode/linode"
      version = "~> 1.20.2"

variable "linode_api_token" {
  description = "Linode API token"
  default     = "null"
variable "linode_ssh_key_name" {
  description = "Linode SSH key name"
  default     = "null"
variable "linode_tag" {
  description = "Linode Tag name"
  default     = "sm-nodes"

provider "linode" {
  token = var.linode_api_token

data "linode_sshkey" "sm" {
  count = var.linode_ssh_key_name != "null" ? 1 : 0
  label = var.linode_ssh_key_name

resource "linode_instance" "node" {
  for_each        = element(var.iname, 0) != "null" ? toset(var.iname) : []
  region          = element(var.iregion, index(var.iname, each.value))
  image           = element(var.image, index(var.iname, each.value))
  type            = element(var.itype, index(var.iname, each.value))
  label           = each.value
  authorized_keys = [element(data.linode_sshkey.sm.*.ssh_key, 0)]
  group           = var.linode_tag

output "node" {
  value = formatlist("%s:%s", (values(linode_instance.node)[*].label), (values(linode_instance.node)[*].ip_address))

Update application.properties

Modify the following values in the application.properties file:

  • server.port - the port you will be running this service on (default = 8083)
  • api.accessToken - the passphrase to use for making API calls to this service (to be used in the stream manager configuration)
  • terra.operationTimeoutMilliseconds - default timeout is set to 3 minutes (180000 milliseconds). Make this value higher if you will be initiating more than 20 nodes concurrently
  • terra.token - the Digital Ocean API token created above
  • terra.sshkey - the SSH key created above
  • terra.parallelism - the default, 10, should work well. If you are creating very large groups, you can set this to 30, but we don't recommend going much higher
  • config.dbHost -- the DB Endpoint URL of your MySQL server instance
  • config.dbPort -- the default MySQL port is 3306
  • config.dbUser -- Database Master Username
  • config.dbPass -- Database Master Password
  • config.dbDriver -- com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver - indicates MySQL
  • config.dbSSL -- should be set to false for Linode

You will also need to add the following lines for Linode:

  • cloud.linode_api_token={} -- this is the Linode Cloud API token that you created; it is used by Terraform to create and destroy Linode instances
  • cloud.linode_ssh_key_name={} -- the name of the ssh key that you created and copied to Linode Cloud. The key will be copied to the Linode so you can ssh to them.

And comment out the Digital Ocean lines:

  • cloud.do_api_token={}
  • cloud.do_ssh_key_name={}

The Settings to maintain application health should be left to the default settings. These are used in conjunction with the Stream Manager to ensure that the Terraform service is functional.

sample application.properties file:

#Server port configurations

#Log level
logging.pattern.console=%d{yyyy-MM-dd} | %d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} | %5p | %-40.40logger{40} | %m%n

#Terraform Service Rest API token to be used by stream manager to connect to this service

#Terraform configurations

#set to 180000 for small groups; higher for larger groups

#Cloud specific params must start with cloud.
# Azure

# DigitalOcean

# Linode

#DataBase configurations

#Setting to maintaine application health

Start terraform service

From /usr/local/red5service directory, run:

./terraform init


./red5terra.sh start

(NOTE: the terraform-service.zip file includes a START.sh shell script which runs the above two commands and then tails the terraform red5.log file. In addition it includes a STOP.sh script which will stop the terraform service, if you wish to do so.)

Test terraform service

Navigate in a browser to http://{host}:8083/terraform/test?accessToken={api.accessToken} - the response should be: Red5Pro Terraform Service is running