
Windows Install - JDK 8

The following document is to be used for installing Red5 Pro server versions prior to 9.0.0. Release 9.0.0 and subsequent releases will require Java version 11

Installing Red5 Pro on Windows

The following describes the steps in installing Red5 Pro on a Windows desktop or server. (please note, We recommend running Red5 Pro on Linux for optimal performance.)

Software Dependencies

You will need to download and install Java SE Runtime Environment 8u191 or earlier (later versions will cause issues) to run Red5 Pro server on Windows.

After installing java, add a new system variable for JAVA_HOME. Find the installation folder for your Java installation, then go to System Properties, Advanced System Settings, and Environment Variables. Under System variables, click on New....

  • Variable name: JAVA_HOME
  • Variable path: (will be something like) C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_191

JAVA HOME environent

Red5 Pro With WebRTC

For production, we recommend running WebRTC on Linux, due to CPU and memory requirements. Please see Installing Red5 Pro on a Linux Server.

Required TCP and UDP Ports

The following Inbound ports need to be open on your server/firewall for Red5 Pro features to work:

5080default web access of Red5 Pro; Websockets for WebRTC
443modified HTTPS access of Red5 Pro; secure websockets for WebRTC
1935default Red5 Pro RTMP port
8554default RTSP port
40000-65535TURN/STUN/ICE port range for WebRTC
3939Windows Remote Desktop (required for cloud hosted management)

* As of release 5.4.0, websockets automatically use the same ports as http/https as defined in red5.properties.

NOTE: if you are running Windows on a cloud hosting service (such as AWS or Azure) you will need to open these ports both in the cloud security policy and on the Windows firewall on your system.

Red5 Pro Installation

To install the Red5 Pro Server:

  1. Download the server .zip distribution to your local machine. Make sure to log in with your account on https://account.red5.net and download the server from https://account.red5.net/download.
  2. Copy the server .zip distribution into the directory you wish to run Red5 Pro from
  3. Unzip the Red5 Pro distribution in the directory
  4. For ease of use, rename the Red5 Pro distribution directory to red5pro

Your Red5 Pro Server License Key

Red5 Pro server will not function without a valid license key. As of release 3.0.0 your LICENSE.KEY file will be included in your server download in the root of the Red5 Pro server directory. You can find your license key listed on your Red5 Pro Professional account overview page.

Add execute permissions to the following files

  • red5.bat
  • red5-shutdown.bat

Modify Maximum Java Heap Size For Red5 Pro Java Process

You can modify the maximum Java heap size by modifying red5.bat. Increasing the maximum heap size will allow the server to assign as much memory from what is available to Red5 Pro when necessary.

The default maximum heap size is 2 gigabytes (-Xmx2g).

REM JAVA options
REM You can set JVM additional options here if you want
if NOT DEFINED JVM_OPTS set JVM_OPTS=-Xms256m -Xmx2g -Xverify:none -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -XX:TieredCompilation -XX:+UseBiasedLocking -XX:InitialCodeCacheSize=8m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=32m -Dorg.terracotta.quartz.skipUpdateCheck=true -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=128m -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC

Running Red5 Pro

To start the Red5 Pro, double-click on red5.bat. A Command Prompt window will launch and you will observe the startup logs. Note - do not run as administrator, just double-click.

To stop Red5 Pro, you can either close the command prompt window or double-click on red5-shutdown.bat.

Verifying Red5 Pro is Running

Once you have started the Red5 Pro Server, you can verify that it is running and available by visiting your instance at port 5080.

Open a web browser and navigate to http://__your server ip__:5080 (like

To not publicly expose the default web access at port 5080, you can do either of the following:

  • Don't expose the port 5080 in your Inbound security for the instance
  • Redefine the default port as the http.port value in the conf/red5.properties file of your Red5 Pro Server install.

Note: currently there is no documented way to configure Red5 Pro as a Windows service.

How to modify default ports

Some firewalls or even service providers may block some of the Red5 Pro default ports, so you may want to modify those. There are two files that allow you to define the ports that Red5 Pro uses: {red5pro}/conf/red5.properties, and {red5pro}/conf/red5pro-activation.xml

red5.properties file: RTMP, HTTP, Websockets

To modify the default RTMP port, edit {red5pro}/conf/red5.properties RTMP section:


To modify the default HTTP (or HTTPS) port, edit the HTTP section:


red5pro-activation.xml file: RTSP, secondScreen, websocket (for HLS)

Modify the configuration bean if you wish to modify any of the default ports for RSTP, WebSockets for HLS, or Second Screen:

<bean name="configuration" id="configuration" class="com.red5pro.activation.Red5ProConfiguration">
<property name="rtsp" value="true"/>
<property name="secondscreen" value="false"/>
<property name="websockets" value="true"/>
<property name="rtspPort" value="8554"/>
<property name="secondScreenPort" value="8088"/>
<property name="websocketPort" value="6262"/>
<property name="enableRecording" value="true"/>


  1. If your command line window is shutting down when you try to run red5.bat, open the file with a text editor and add a line that reads pause to the end of the file. This will prevent the window from closing, so you can view the output of the batch file.
  2. Most Windows clients have firewalls by default. You may need to open the Red5 Pro ports on the local firewall in order to be able to use Red5 Pro features on Windows.
  3. Some customers have also reported issues with antivirus interfering with WebRTC operation on Windows.
  4. Red5 Pro only runs on 64-bit Windows systems.